Secondary hypertension: Know what it is and who are at risk  | The Times of India

Secondary hypertension: Know what it is and who are at risk | The Times of India


Several chronic conditions can make your blood pressure level shoot up. Managing high blood pressure can also help to reduce the symptoms of other underlying health conditions. Some of the reasons one may develop secondary hypertension are:

Diabetes: Unmanaged diabetes can put excessive pressure on the kidneys to flush out sugar from the blood. This condition over time can spike the blood pressure level.

Polycystic kidney disease: Cysts in your kidneys can obstruct the normal functioning of the kidneys, leading to a spike in blood pressure level.

Renovascular hypertension: This type of high blood pressure is caused when the arteries leading to your kidneys narrow down.

Cushing syndrome: High cortisol levels for a long time can lead to Cushing syndrome and its medication may cause secondary hypertension.

Hormonal disorder: Thyroid disorder or Aldosteronism can also impact your kidneys leading to a rise in the blood pressure level.

Sleep apnea: Severe snoring during sleep that causes obstruction in getting a sufficient amount of oxygen can damage the lining of the blood vessel, leading to high blood pressure.

Apart from these other conditions like obesity, pregnancy and excessive intake of some over-the-counter drugs can also lead to secondary hypertension.


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