Ways parental conflict affects a child’s mental health (and things parent should do to manage it) | The Times of India


Every child looks up to their parents for advice, guidance and for support, which is why, if parents reveal their most unpleasant selves to their kids, it is likely to confuse them, making them uncomfortable.

Studies have shown that parents’ fights impact their children in the most negative ways. Parents indulging in toxic arguments, name-calling and throwing insults at each other can give away a wrong impression to the kids, leading to emotional damage.

Also read: Toxic parenting mistakes that make kids self-centered and entitled

Researchers at the University of Oregon found that children as young as 6 months old can be negatively impacted by harsh parental arguments. Additionally, young adults up to 19 years of age can also be affected by the same. This suggests that a parent’s relationship, how they decide on handling their actions, affects how their children grow up to or handle their problems.

Therefore, some of the negative impacts of parental conflict on kids include feeling insecure, stressed, confused about the future and may also strain parent-child relationships. Given that parents involved in a fight may not feel in the right mind or will most probably be distracted with the ongoing crisis, they’re less likely to pay attention to the child’s needs and wants.


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