Sanjana Sanghi: Ranbir Kapoor and I shared the craziest banter, full of sarcasm | Hindi Movie News

Sanjana Sanghi: Ranbir Kapoor and I shared the craziest banter, full of sarcasm | Hindi Movie News


Sanjana Sanghi is among the few actresses who went from winning hearts in ‘Rockstar’ as a child actor to bagging her first lead role in ‘Dil Bechara’ as the leading lady. Today, the promising actress completes 10 years in the Bollywood industry, and ETimes reached out to her for a quick chat on her journey so far. Excerpts from the conversation:

Congratulations on completing 10 years in the industry. What comes to your mind when you look back at the beginning?

Thank you so much. When I look back, the first thing I feel is gratitude in an unquantifiable amount. If it weren’t for ‘Rockstar’ as a child actor, then I don’t think I would have ever discovered my way in the movies. It’s now the passion of my life.

Your role in ‘Rockstar’ was small but you shone in your performance. Looking back, is there something you would have changed now?

My role in ‘Rockstar’ was definitely limited but thank you for thinking that it shone the most. I didn’t really realise the fact that even after so many years, people not just still remember Mandy but also connect with her. It means so much that she has entered their subconscious. Since you’re asking what I would do differently if I were to play her today, a part of me thinks I wouldn’t have been able to play her today. I think the performance has a lot to do with her rawness and innocence that I had in me as a 13-14 year old who was so new to the world of movies. It added so much to Mandy. It is something that can only be created at that time. These things are so special that they happen at the right time and right place, so I would never try to touch Mandy again or add or subtract anything. She is not a perfect character at all, but it’s just that I wouldn’t do it any other way.

You are such a huge fan of Ranbir. How was it to work with him? Are you still in touch?

I am definitely a fan of Ranbir. I became his biggest fan when I met him at Dharamshala on the ‘Rockstar’ set because there was an unbelievable amount of instant comfort, support and encouragement that came from his side throughout. It honestly made me feel like home on sets. We shared the craziest banter, full of sarcasm, which only we understood at that time, and it continues to be the same to this day. I have been in touch; it has been a valuable and special bond.

Not every child actor becomes a leading lady but you made it happen. What are your thoughts on it? Did you always want to join the industry?

I guess you are right not, not every child actor ends up becoming a leading lady in that sense, and if you are asking if I always wanted to become an actress, then I would say playing Mandy and being on the Rockstar sets made me fall in love with movies forever. I have been very, very academic all my life. I’ve always loved studying but also dancing and debating–just being on stage. I gave my most to every opportunity that came my way after ‘Rockstar’, auditioned for everything I got asked for, never had specific plans or milestones, but just wanted to do everything academically in school and college otherwise, and be a semi-professional actor–that’s how I was able to do over 100 TV commercials and small parts in movies while in school and college. It took working round the clock, with the support of my family, friends and teachers who understood this different journey I was on. Looking back, I’m just grateful that I kept up the work discipline and put in the hard work because neither do I imagine it in any other way nor do I want it.


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