Follet’s new thriller ‘Never’ is set in modern day America, wherein a female President of the United States of America is fighting a global crisis which could lead to a a deadly World War Three. Talking about the idea of writing this book, he said that he wanted to explore if “reasonable, moderate men and women find themselves dragged, against their will, into World War Three.” According to The Bookseller, he further said, “The world is in more danger today than at any previous time, certainly in my lifetime and perhaps ever. (Apart from the nuclear war) There’s also the danger of a virus that could kill us all and the third danger is climate change.”
The author researched extensively for his new novel. He shared that he even interviewed experts including Kim Darroch, former British national security advisor, on international issues- like Kashmir and the South China Sea- which could trigger a War in our times.
Follet is currently working on a new story but didn’t reveal much about it. He said that his work could be a historical novel again or “do something completely different,” he said.
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