Cancer symptoms women should be aware of | Cancer Symptoms in Women

Cancer symptoms women should be aware of | Cancer Symptoms in Women


From giving birth to having menstruation to culminating it with menopause, a female human body undergoes innumerable changes. With this, feeling different is not something that worries females or stops them from doing daily activities. While adapting themselves to the frequent changes in the body, women often ignore signals that trigger severe complications like cancer.

As per reports in 2020, 8.8 million women were diagnosed with cancer.

While the number of women infected with cancer is startling, knowing the early symptoms can evade the seriousness of this disease to a large extent.

It is very important to know the trigger signs of cancer and after knowing it one should get medical assistance as soon as possible.

Some of the very common cancers women get are in breast, colorectal, lung, cervical, endometrial and skin. There is also evidence of cancer occurring in other body parts.

Here are few common signs of cancer every women should be aware of:


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