Coronavirus: How COVID-19 affects the brain? Study explains and reveals its effects  | The Times of India

Coronavirus: How COVID-19 affects the brain? Study explains and reveals its effects | The Times of India


The findings published in the journal Nature found those who had tested positive for the virus lost an additional 1.8% of the parahippocampal gyrus, which plays an important role in both spatial memory, and the orbitofrontal cortex, crucial for smell and taste.

That said, those affected reported symptoms such as smell loss. Some also showed signs of lower cognitive skills as compared to those who weren’t affected. This reflected a greater loss of brain tissue linked to mental capacity.

The study also noted that the symptoms were more prevalent among older people and those hospitalized. However, it was revealed that mild to asymptomatic infections also were affected the same.

The researchers believe more studies will need to be conducted in order to determine whether changes in the brain due to COVID are permanent or reversible to an extent.

Prof Gwenaëlle Douaud at the University of Oxford, one of the authors of the study said, “The brain is plastic, which means that it can re-organise and heal itself to some extent, even in older people.”


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