Coronavirus: Riskiest activities that expose you to COVID-19, according to a new study  | The Times of India

Coronavirus: Riskiest activities that expose you to COVID-19, according to a new study | The Times of India


Shopping, using public transport, going to work are among top contributors for COVID-19 transmission, says a research study done by the Virus Watch Study. The study has taken into account human behaviour, aged above 16 years, in various non-household activities during the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic when severe restrictions were imposed and during September-November 2021 when there were no restrictions.

The study, published on January 7, 2022, titled “Virus Watch Study: Non-household activities COVID risk, 20 December 2021” talks about different non household activities responsible for COVID-19 transmission during the period of intense restrictions compared to the period of no restrictions.

The research study is yet to be peer reviewed.

A cohort of over 10,000 individuals had participated in the study in England and Wales.


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