Dementia symptoms: These everyday habits may increase your risk of developing dementia and make you age faster

Dementia symptoms: These everyday habits may increase your risk of developing dementia and make you age faster


If there is one single factor which can increase your chances of cognitive decline, poor brain health and accelerate ageing, it has to be the lack of Vitamin B12 in our diets. While some diets like the DASH diet and Mediterranean diet have proven to be particularly helpful in reducing the risk of dementia, poor levels of Vitamin B12 can induce symptoms like memory loss, aggravate development of dementia in individuals. While it does not have a direct impact on memory function, Vitamin B12 is an important nutrient to be included in your everyday diet, whether you are vegan, vegetarian or a non-vegetarian, since it is intrinsically good for the brain and other parts of the body.

Also read: 4 symptoms of Vitamin B12 deficiency which can mimic dementia signs


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