Thyroid Medication | The right way to take thyroid medication | How To Take Thyroid Medicine

Thyroid Medication | The right way to take thyroid medication | How To Take Thyroid Medicine


Dr Dutta revealed that in the case of hyperthyroidism pills or radioactive iodine were prescribed. “The use of radioactive iodine is a long-term remedy. However, radioactive iodine is not recommended for adults in their reproductive years because it is poisonous to both male and female gonads and can even cause infertility,” he said.

He asserted that in the case of hypothyroidism, the hypofunction of the thyroid has to be monitored regularly because if a person continues to take less dose, he/she will remain in the persistent hypothyroid state and the metabolism will slow down. On the other hand, if the person takes extra doses he/she may go into a toxic state which is again harmful to the body metabolism. So accordingly it has to be treated as per the body requirement of the patient.


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